Hollandazed: Thoughts, Ideas, and Miscellany

In his book The Complete Wargames Handbook, the noted wargame designer James F. Dunnigan had two basic rules for aspiring designers: Keep it simple. Plagiarize. Later he euphemized the second one as “use available techniques”, but still, these are words to live by. And once in a while a game system comes along so loaded with good ideas and potential directions it simply has to be used! Giving due credit to the original thinker, of course… we do stand on the shoulders of giants, and they all have names. In the particular case of The Scheldt Campaign,...

Hollandspiele is a new company dedicated to the publication of historically-based wargames in handsome and affordable boxed editions. You're probably asking, "Okay, so what makes you any different than any other wargames company popping up these days?" And, sure, that's a fair question, and it's one we've thought about for a long time. The answer is a bit... complicated. Because it's not like we went into this thinking up a sexy "hook" or gimmick that we can use to stand out for the sake of standing out. We didn't spend a whole lot of time trying to gin up a...