Hollandazed: Thoughts, Ideas, and Miscellany — Mata Hari
NOTES ON "TEUTONS!" PART 2 (OF 3): FRANCE 1914 (by Lou Coatney)

In part 1 of this series, designer Lou Coatney explained his thinking behind the name "Teutons!", and the historical background for the first of the three games in the box, "France 1870". This time, he takes us through the design of "France 1914". Next week we'll finish off the series with a look at "Blitzkrieg: France 1940". All three games are collected in a single box, "Teutons!: Assaults on the West, 1870-1940". The First World War was a frightening example of how easily such world holocausts can start: entangling alliances and each side thinking the other wouldn't be so stupid...